Types of particulate matter pollution pdf

Particulate matter is a mix of solids and liquids, including carbon, complex organic chemicals, sulphates, nitrates, mineral dust, and water suspended in the air. Particulate matter pollution or particulate pollution is one of the deadliest types of air pollution in india and on a global level. Fine particles, such as those found in smoke and haze, are 2. The following are examples of activities that would create particulate matter pm emissions. Particulate matter is a type of air pollution that is. Some components of the aerosol form of particulate matter, such as ammonium. Ambient air pollution by particulate matter european commission. Particulate matter emissions and pollution requirements. Particulate matter an overview sciencedirect topics. Particle pollution also called particulate matter pm is made up of particles tiny pieces of solids or liquids that are in the air. Two main types of pollutants combustion gases and fly ash are. These magnetic particulates can be used as proxies for particulate pollution, since oxide contents are often larger in amounts and may have distinctive magnetic properties, compared with most types of natural dusts. Particulate matter pm, also called particle pollution, is a general term for extremely small particles and liquid droplets in the. A total of 278 samples were collected over a twelvemonth.

Others are so small they can only be detected using an electron microscope. Chapter 3 sources and chemical composition of particulate. Pdf particulate matter pm is one of the problems faced in environmental science. Some particles, such as dust, soot, dirt or smoke are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Particulate matter formed from gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog. Particulate matter in the united kingdom uk air department for. Magnetic particulates range in size from a few nanometers to 100s of microns.

Pdf particulate matter pm is both a major driver of climate change. Particulate matter pm pollution in china has an obvious. Some particles are big enough or appear dark enough to see for example, you can often see smoke in the air. Major sources of particulate matter emission are factories, power stations, incinerators, industries, automobiles, and diesel generators.

Airborne suspended particulate matter pm can be either primary or secondary in nature. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Agency usepa groups particle pollution into two categories. The primary reason for the rise in particulate pollution, type of air pollution, is because of human activities. This study was conducted to investigate the sources of fine and coarse airborne particulate matter in an urban environment in nigeria. Commercial manual and automatic instruments are available for. They are a kind of air pollution called particles or particulate matter. Others are so small that you cant see them in the air. Particulate matter emissions and pollution requirements who is affected by this rule. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area caused by a mixture of smoke and sulphur dioxide.